Our Solutions
Enhance your company's data security and protect yourself from attacks and data leaks.
IT Services
Comprehensive IT services consultancy, with professional, multidisciplinary and certified support.
Qualified and certified consultancy with an exclusive method for achieving compliance with the LGPD.
Who we are
Welcome to Forte
"We are leaders in technology strategy, focused on delivering solutions through information security and data protection to increase productivity and results."
José Luiz Rodrigues Filho, Founding Partner of Forte Security
Blocked attacks per month
Forte has no borders and is currently present in several cities and countries, helping companies strengthen their operations through our solutions.
What our customers say
Our support and advice are always close to the client to anticipate and solve problems, so managers, entrepreneurs, and employees have fewer worries and more time to focus on their work.
President SEFAS (2018 - 2021)
"Our main motive as a healthcare organization is to comply with the GDPR in order to provide security and protection to all users of our services. I recommend Forte because it is a serious company and provides us with a secure service with transparency in all the processes it implements in the company."
Recent articles
Firewall and its importance in companies
Every day I'm asked and challenged to answer what a firewall is, why I should have a firewall...