Os riscos de redes não monitoradas

Os riscos de redes não monitoradas

No cenário empresarial atual, onde a conectividade é um dos pilares para o funcionamento das operações, muitas empresas negligenciam um fator crucial: o monitoramento contínuo da rede. À primeira vista, pode parecer um corte de custos inofensivo, mas a realidade é que redes não monitoradas estão expostas a riscos significativos, que podem comprometer a segurança […]

Cybersecurity in Brazil: 1,379 Cyberattacks per minute

Cibersegurança no Brasil: 1.379 Ciberataques por minuto

A transformação digital tem sido uma aliada para o crescimento dos negócios, mas também abriu portas para ameaças cada vez mais sofisticadas. No Brasil, são registrados impressionantes 1.379 ciberataques por minuto, segundo o Panorama de Ameaças para a América Latina 2024. Isso significa que, enquanto você lê este artigo, inúmeras empresas estão sendo alvo de […]

Reactive vs. Proactive Protection: Which is More Effective?

Proteção Reativa vs. Proativa: qual a mais eficaz?

IT security is a fundamental pillar for the success and continuity of business operations, especially in a scenario where cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and devastating. However, many companies still adopt a reactive approach to dealing with threats. That is, they act only after the problem has […]

The impact of unstable networks on business productivity

O impacto de redes instáveis na produtividade empresarial

Unstable networks are not just a temporary inconvenience, but a significant obstacle to the productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of companies in the market. When connectivity fails, the impact goes beyond a simple outage: it directly affects any organization’s ability to innovate, agility and growth. With the increasing dependence on […]

Is your IT infrastructure ready for the future?

Sua infraestrutura de TI está preparada para o futuro?

As digital transformation accelerates, companies are faced with the challenge of adapting their IT infrastructures to meet the growing demands of an ever-evolving technological environment. To remain competitive and seize the opportunities that digitalization offers, it is essential to have a robust, scalable and future-proof infrastructure. The […]

The need for monitoring data traffic

A necessidade de monitoramento sobre o tráfego de dados

With the increase in the amount and complexity of data traffic, ensuring visibility and control over this information is essential to protect the organization against security risks and ensure compliance with regulations such as the LGPD (General Data Protection Law). In a scenario where data has become one of the most important assets […]

Strengthen your cybersecurity for 2025

Fortaleça sua cibersegurança para 2025

As 2025 approaches, the cybersecurity landscape presents increasingly sophisticated challenges. The good news is that with the right strategies and the use of appropriate technologies, it is possible to minimize risks and ensure business continuity. Learn how to strengthen your cybersecurity in 2025, with the main practices and solutions that will protect […]
