Every day I am asked and challenged to answer what a Firewall is, why should I have a firewall in my company or even, what are the risks if this investment is not made?

The truth is that each company has its own culture and, with it, its own appetite for risk. Mentioning Brazilian companies makes sense because of a point that I constantly address, which I call: “Technological cultural deficit”. Remember this phrase: We have the possibility of access, we have the purchasing power, but our culture, especially the need for information, prevents us from using technology resources in a conscious, mature way and with a profit bias.

A firewall is a network security solution that acts as a barrier between your internal network, servers, and the Internet, filtering incoming and outgoing traffic to prevent malicious threats from entering and ensuring data privacy and integrity. Its main function is to analyze data packets to determine whether they should be allowed or blocked based on predefined rules that now include features such as artificial intelligence.

We can present 5 (five) of the main features of a firewall that can be used in any company:

  • Access Control: Control network access by allowing or denying data traffic based on predefined rules. This helps ensure that only authorized users have access to the network, which increases security and data privacy.
  • Package Inspection: Its function is to inspect each data packet that enters and leaves the network, checking whether they meet the established security rules. This helps ensure that only legitimate data enters and leaves the network, preventing the spread of malware and other threats such as Ransomware.
  • Content and Application Filtering: Filter data content, such as websites, emails and instant messages, and applications such as Torrent, P2P, and VPNs, blocking inappropriate access. This helps maintain a more stable network while increasing employee focus.
  • VPN and Remote Connections: Many firewalls include VPN and remote connection capabilities, allowing remote users to connect to the network securely and reliably, thus increasing the efficiency and flexibility of employees, allowing them to work from anywhere without compromising data security. A hybrid scenario, very common today.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: Provide detailed information about network traffic, including activity reports and threat alerts. This enables you to identify and resolve security issues in real time, increasing firewall effectiveness and protecting your network against future threats. A good report can be graphical and aimed at senior management, allowing different levels of the company to make strategic decisions for the business.

Having a firewall in a business environment is extremely important today due to the constant increase in network threats. With the growing dependence on technology and connectivity to conduct business, companies are increasingly becoming targets of cyberattacks, which can lead to financial losses, data loss and reputational damage. A firewall is capable of protecting the company's network against various types of threats, such as viruses, malware, phishing, DDoS, among others, limiting unauthorized access to systems and applications, blocking unwanted traffic and verifying the security of network connections in addition to legal issues.

Many companies need to comply with specific standards and regulations to maintain compliance with security laws and regulations, such as the LGPD (General Data Protection Law), Law 13,709/2018, which provides for sanctions of up to 50 million reais for non-compliance involving privacy and data protection, taking into account the use of personal data of holders such as customers and employees.

Access control and information security policies can help increase productivity in a company. By clearly defining which resources and information each employee has access to, the company prevents employees from wasting time on tasks or information that are not relevant to their roles. This also prevents unnecessary distractions and reduces the risk of errors or leaks of confidential information. Furthermore, by ensuring the security of the network and systems, the company avoids potential downtime or security issues, ensuring business continuity. Furthermore, by adopting an information security culture, the company also increases employee awareness of the importance of security and taking care of company data, contributing to the formation of a more engaged and responsible team.

In an increasingly digital and connected world, information security is an essential aspect for companies of all sizes and sectors. In this context, implementing a firewall is a crucial measure to ensure the protection of business data and systems against cyber threats.

However, it is important to remember that the effectiveness of a firewall depends on the proper configuration and constant updating of its security policies.

Count on the Strong Security to develop and implement the firewall solution that best fits your business model.

“Always remembering that a disconnected company does not produce or sell.”

#Firewall #Productivity #Cybersecurity #LGPD #IA
