Privacy – LGPD Consulting

Privacy > Compliance with LGPD

Qualified and certified consultancy with an exclusive method to ensure compliance with the LGPD (Law No. 13,709/2018).

Following a global trend in data protection, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), nº 13.709/18, was enacted in Brazil in August 2018. The law establishes rules on the processing of personal data and also provides for penalties, requiring and imposing a higher standard of security and data protection.

Forte Security, thinking and directing its efforts to serve companies that will now be in the process of adapting and complying with the law, created the Forte Privacy service structure that seeks to assist and guide organizations on this journey.

Our partners:

What is LGPD?

LGPD is the acronym for the Law No. 13,709/18, considered the first general law that deals with the protection of personal data in Brazil. The law is transforming the way companies operate by establishing clear rules regarding the collection, processing and storage of personal data. Therefore, organizations, whether in the public or private sector, must comply with such rules in their processes and commercial activities.

Benefits of complying with LGPD:

Technical Adequacy

Companies process and use personal data in various departments, whether it is customer, partner or employee data. However, with the requirements of the LGPD, companies must adopt security, technical and administrative measures capable of protecting personal data. The Forte Security team is specialized and certified in all stages of compliance with the General Data Protection Law, from gathering information on the stage of compliance of companies, training, to the stage of processes for compliance.


What is a DPO?

Compliance with the LGPD requires several changes, including the appointment by each company of a Data Protection Officer (DPO). The DPO is responsible for protecting your organization's data and may be an internal or external person.

Forte Security has a trained and certified team to act as a DPO as a service, so your company can designate Forte to take on the DPO role. This way, the company does not overburden its employees and ensures that the role is filled by a specialist in the area, with the necessary expertise to bring your business into compliance.

Our certifications

Our strength is to guarantee privacy, so that our clients can direct their efforts and focus solely on developing their businesses.

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